Sunday, May 12, 2019

Reflective writing on health promotion during nursing clinical Essay

Reflective writing on health promotion during treat clinical placement - judge ExampleThis wallpaper employs Gibbs reflective model to analyses the issue of health promotion while nursing clinical placements. This is because the model is particularly useful in helping people learn from situations that they regularly experience. It follows through and through a cycle of description, feelings (main), evaluation, conclusion and action (Gibbs 32). The cycle ensures that one does a deep self-analysis. The focus of this paper shall be on health promotion in the course of the placement in the Accident and speck (A&E) ward.The A&E ward is usually the most action-packed section of a hospital, where things have to be through with(p) at a fast rate in order to save lives or relieve patients of their chafe (Jones 10). The A&E ward is the initial point of treatment of patients having severe injuries or illnesses that require agile medical attention. Patients to the A&E ward are, in most ca ses, brought in by ambulances when in decisive condition, or may come on their own if their condition is not all that bad. Whichever the case, the medical mental faculty at the A&E ward always endeavors to put their best foot forward in treating the patients with the urgency that their injuries or illnesses demand (Jones 10). As such, this ward usually accommodates a patient only for a limited period before they are transformed to other wards in the hospital such as the intensive care unit (ICU). They may also be discharged home if it is safe.The Accident and soupcon ward is a quick response ward that demands a wealth of prompt-action skills from the medical someonenel (Sbaih 50). either placement in the ward sharps ones skills in as far as responding apace to situations is concerned. Before the placement, one would view and conceptualize the profession as a very calm and silent one, given that it involves dealing with sick individuals. The A&E ward changes that narrow mindset . It opens up a person to the other side of nursing that requires on dropping their slow nature and

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