Saturday, May 11, 2019

Quality management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 5

Quality focus - Essay ExampleNurses and health tutelage professionals should understand appropriate patient standards. They are expected to implement them in spite of their personal opinions or preferences.I believe that the quality of care is determined by determination the right balance between the possibilities realized and the existing framework of norms and values. As a result, the quality of care non only depends on the attitude of the nurse, but it is also influenced by the organizational culture in the healthcare institution (Weston & Roberts, 2013). The observation is influenced by a realization that the quality of care is determined by multiple factors such as the standards established by the healthcare industry.During my CRT clinical experience, I witnessed one and only(a) example that provides an opportunity to evaluate the quality of care given in that instance. The case involved a teenage girl who had been admitted to the infirmary after a failed abortion attempt. T he patient was bleeding and in a lot of pain. When she arrived, the available nurses and doctors surrounded her. They administered preliminary medication to ease her pain and stop the bleeding. Then they wheel around her to an operating room where an attempt was made to save her life. The operation took about four hours. Although the doctors stated that she would not be able to have a child in the future, they had succeeded in saving her life.The patient was clearly traumatized by the whole experience. The nurse in charge tried to find information about her. She had been brought to the hospital by two female friends and a male friend. After informing her parents, the nurse called the police to make known the incident. Another nurse tried to initiate a conversation with the patient when she could talk. The nurse could spend a lot of time talking to her. As time progressed, I could see that the patient was more sluttish and smiling. The parents were asked to

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