Monday, May 6, 2019

Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 12

Management - Essay ExampleThe project traffic patterners are appoint to exit for eight hours per week ( sack up based arrangement) work to each designer ( smith and Mark). After virtually time one and only(a) designer (Smith) has interpreted causal leave of 3 days. On this occasion the project manager assigned extra work to the second designer (Mark). So Mark was doing work for 12 hours on web based system and also carrying other projects as well. This pip made him too busy and tired. On the return of Smith the same operational hours were maintained for the Mark. He requested the project manger exclusively manager took no action. The main reason behind this situation was the effective relationships of the Smith to the project manager. This produced some ill feeling in Mark for the Smith and project manager.The conflict among the Mark and Smith has taken more critical conditions. Now the project design is started to effect. This conflict caused delay in the completion of the d esign work of web based system. The developer team is waiting to develop the system, yet no effective results trough now have achieved.The main cause behind this situation is the conflicts between designers. This project requires extensive coordination but at the work both designers exchange some harsh words with each other. In this situation both sides know the main reason of the conflict. Smith knew that he was the person behind the over-burden on the Mark. Smith has not admitted that he is doing wrong. In this scenario Mark was under pressure from the management and project manager. He tried to perform well but with his fellow designer he could not be able to coordinate. In this way the over design duration was delayed.After that project manager called the designers to show the progress near the system design. At the moment the project manager has charged the Mark for the delay in the system design, and Smith was not asked regarding the development delay, because of the good terms with project manager. The situation went more

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