Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Buddhism and Hinduism Ethical Systems Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Buddhism and Hinduism honorable Systems - Essay ExampleBuddhism and Hinduism Ethical SystemsAnalysis presented in this paper is helpful in understanding the Hinduism and Buddhism religions ethical systems with respect to their similarities and differences. On a broad front, comparisons and contrasts between the Buddhism ethical systems has been presented to indicate how the religions has used their religion to uncover their spiritual world, as rise up as their daily practices. On the similar account, the paper focuses on the subject of ethical system principles and signpost to explore across all the five universal codes, marital moral ethic as substantially as relationships ethics.Hinduism and Buddhism religious, ethical systems uncover the spiritual meaning to the peoples lives. For example, religious values are used subjectively by the associated people to provide a common good, solve a social problem, as tumefy as satisfying life, or making life worthy. Buddhism ethical values are centrally base on the enlightenment of Buddha and his followers. Therefore, the Buddhism ethical system only complies with the Buddhist scriptures that serve as a signpost in shaping the peoples lives. The Buddhism ethical principles and practices act in a way that prevents violate to the people by helping the people to move through life.In comparison, Hinduism ethical systems are mainly personal or subjectively designed. Thus, Hinduism ethical systems are only purposed to maximize the peoples highest integrity and personal values.

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