Thursday, May 2, 2019

HRM processes and practices in UAE Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

HRM processes and practices in UAE - Essay frameworkUAE has significantly developed in the recent past and in a very short arrest of time it has become an example of stinting growth. UAE has been attracting investment from all around the globe and it is being considered one and only(a) of the best avenues for work expansion. The analysis conducted in the paper would try to provide sufficient foundation for the concomitant that UAE is a suitable avenue for the expansion of crease. Socio-Political Background of UAE UAE has been providing r discoveres to international business for centuries and it has been providing access to 1.5 billion consumer markets in West Asia, Africa and East Europe. Thus, it can be said that UAE has been a suitable avenue for international business expansion for a very long time. However, in the recent past, the infrastructural development in UAE has made the ground even more feasible for business expansion in the UAE. The economic development in the co untry makes investment in the country profitable in short term. Over the past 26 eld, the prudence of the country has swelled by more than six times. In numerous cases, the investment in a business in a country does non turn out any profits for years however the accelerated economic activity in the UAE ensures that investment in the country would turn out profits in a shorter period of time (Oxford Business Group). The political purlieu in UAE is besides feasible for business expansion as the visionary leadership of the UAE is diverting all its efforts towards industrial and economic development in the country. The leadership of the UAE has been really encouraging towards international businesses who intend to invest in UAE. wherefore the political environment of UAE is feasible for the establishment of business in the country. The country is one of the top producers of petroleum and this fact adds up to the feasibility of the country as a business expansion avenue. Dubai Inte rnational aerodrome offers 300 flights on a daily basis to and from around 100 destinations therefore managing a business in UAE would not be a problem since it would be possible to be available in the UAE at any time. Business Environment in UAE due(p) to the increased economic development in the recent past, UAE has become the center of attention for international investors. A number of international business bemuse started operating in UAE and due to presence of organizations from all around the world, the business environment in UAE is not static. The business environment in UAE is dynamic and it responds towards the increasing international investment in the country. The following factors would wander some light upon the business environment in UAE Organizational Structure The organizational structures in the UAE be dynamic as business can have complete foreign ownership. Local businesses have an east influence therefore they have hierarchical structures, however it is not necessary for all the organizations to have a hierarchical structure and the line of command can be shortened by adding channels of communication among different levels (Hvidt, 2007). Industrial Relations Industrial relations in UAE are influenced by the political environment of the country. UAE is a federation therefore there are no political parties or elections. Due to overleap of any political pressure, the industrial relations are not founded upon unions or any political parties. Due to the increasing economic developm

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