Tuesday, May 14, 2019

A historic succession at xerox Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

A historic succession at xerox - consequence Study ExampleSecondly, Ursula Burns succeeded another woman. This is usually not the case since most female CEOs ordinarily break through by taking over from other men. This is a general reflection of the accompaniment that women, like many other minorities in America are ofttimes excluded from top level managerial positions. Reasons why Women & Minorities do not get top-level Positions There are several reasons why women are not found occupying top corporate positions around the country. Lamana & Riedman (2010, p285) identify three major reasaons why women are often excluded from such uttermost corporate positions. First of all, most women are involved at the forefront of family lives. This is because at once a woman marries, she is often involved more intensely in family matters. This implies that a woman ordain need to do draw a balance between the raising of a family and business life. In most organizations, rising to the top dema nds a almost all of a person attention and due to the dissever attention most women have because they combine work with family life, they end up losing out to men. Secondly, historical factors nobble major roles in hindering women from taking up top corporate positions.

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